City projects in D8
Here are ongoing/upcoming improvement projects in our District as of 2014–2017. You can find a complete map of citywide projects here.
Measure T1 – Phase 1 Proposed Projects
- Willard Clubhouse Renovation $250,000 – Planning and design to renovate and possibly expand the Willard Clubhouse.
Funded Project FY14-FY17
- Willard – Tennis Court Replacement – New surface and fencing.
- Willard Park – Play Equipment and Pathways – Replace play equipment and pathway between turf and tennis courts.
- Claremont Creek Culvert Repair at Hazel Road – Heavily corroded corrugated metal pipe creek culvert caused sinkhole to form at edge of right-of-way on Hazel Road. Work consisted of structural repair to creek culvert using styrene free cured-in-place liner.
- Emerson Safe Routes to School – Install a triple-four high visibility crosswalk and rectangular rapid flashing beacon at the pedestrian crossing of College Ave. at Garber Street; replace sidewalk and install root barrier on east side of Piedmont Ave. between Garber & Forest Ave.; install speed table on Forest Ave. between Piedmont Ave. & Claremont Blvd.; construct bulbout on northwest corner of Forest Ave. & Claremont Blvd.; install cross-hatched areas at Piedmont Ave./Garber St. and Piedmont Ave./Forest St. intersections.
- John Muir Safe Routes to School – Install bulbouts and a beacon to shorten the pedestrian crossing distance and make pedestrians more visible.
- 2016 Street Rehabilitation – Street rehabilitation on various streets including grind/overlay AC, Full Depth Reclamation (FDR), rubber HMA paving, sidewalk/curb reconstruct, ADA ramp installation/retrofit, and striping improvements.
- Installation of a New Electric Powered Hardwired Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon System (RRFB) – The old in-pavement crosswalk light system was non-operational. The non-operational system was replaced by a complete new electric powered/hardwired RRFB system on Claremont Avenue serving the crosswalk between Brookside Drive and Brookside Avenue
- 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Street rehabilitation on various streets in the Panoramic Hill area including retaining wall improvements. Currently in the preliminary stages of design.